75% of people think they are not living up to their creative potential. Arte of Now: Practice of Immediacy in the Arts™ will help you access your creative flow more consistently. Unbind and expand, unleash your innate ability to work freely and effectively!
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The PIA DVD contains three full length unedited video demonstrations of PIA. You can view shortened versions of “Spiral” and “Tears” online on the PIA Videos page.
$6 shipping (U.S.)
$15 shipping (International).
Running time: 17 minutes
In this acrylic paint PIA demonstration, Nicolee begins with a few colors she is drawn to and following a creative flow begins to add colors and shapes.
Running time: 45 minutes
Beginning with her awareness of the sounds, sensations, thoughts and presence of the video camera, Nicolee follows PIA into a creative flow to completion, ending with this emotive acrylic painting.
Running time: 32 minutes
During the course of this oil pastel PIA, a story of war heard earlier on the news emerges into Nicolee's awareness, is given color, shape and words and the PIA unfolds into a creative flow.
Buy the book and DVD together for 10% less than buying them separately. Everything you need to get started with Arte of Now: Practice of Immediacy in the Arts.
$6 shipping (U.S.)
Will only ship to USA.
For international customers, please purchase the book through Small Press Distribution (spdbooks.org) and the DVD above with the international shipping option.