Unforeseen things can happen out of the blue, with no preparation. In one moment, your whole life changes. At the time you can’t imagine how to go on. Yet when one door shuts another one opens.
The earth herself has suffered enormous cataclysmic changes. She’s been pushed to the limit by bombarding asteroids, and still she reforms and continues her enormous creativity.
One impact example is the Chixchulub Asteroid — 7.5m wide and traveling over 40,000m/hr when it collided with Earth 66 million years go off the coast of Mexico. The collision had the strength of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs and set off a chain of events connected to the end of the dinosaurs. The impact also created the conditions for our small mammalian ancestors, living underground, to survive and evolve. They are the reason we’re here, all 7.5 billion of us.
Below are some core samples* from the cataclysm showing direct evidence of the enormous energy and giant tsunami that resulted from the asteroid’s impact.
The core samples look like works of art — they have an eery beauty.
Yet they capture the impact of the asteroid and can remind us how life
reboots and continues under the worst of circumstances.
When one door shuts, another door opens.